‘Only time will tell if September was the nadir:’ Zillow reports sharp home-value declines in these cities, amid grim outlook for U.S. housing market

Winter is coming, and the real-estate market is slowly coming to a standstill. According to a new report by Zillow Z, -1.63%, the typical home in the U.S. saw its value barely inch up between Septembe...

Bond markets facing historic losses grow anxious of Fed that ‘isn’t blinking yet’

The Federal Reserve has been showing no signs of letting up on aggressive rate hikes, even as its policies fuel carnage for the ages across the roughly $53 trillion U.S. bond market. As a result, borr...

‘No sign of a rebound’: Mortgage applications hit 22-year lows, as home buyers pull back

The numbers: As mortgage rates head towards 6%, would-be home buyers continue to stay on the sidelines, putting off purchases and refinances. Weak demand from buyers is reflected in the Market Composi...