Donald Trump NFTs under fire for internal minting, design plagiarism

The Donald Trump-branded NFT trading card project has come under fire after it was revealed that the project minted 1000 NFTs internally — 68 of which were considered the rarest in the collection. The...

What You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Safety, Website Plagiarism, and Scams

Cheating, plagiarism, scam, and fraud are nothing new in the digital world. Since the dawn of the “digital era,” malicious activities have been a part of the landscape, and the methods have only advan...

Plagiarism issues lead to suspension of Cent NFT marketplace activities

NFT marketplace by Cent has suspended activities following plagiarism issues  It is an industry-wide issue that is faced by millions of users  The forgery market has increased its revenues by 80% due ...

“Plagiarism” and “wash trading” issues forced NFT marketplace to suspend sales

The foremost NFT platform, The Cent, has announced the suspension of sales of the blockchain-backed digital arts for the time being.  The decision to stop most of its transactions was made after detai...

Cent NFT Marketplace Suspends Activity Due to Plagiarism Issues – Bitcoin News

Cent, one of the first marketplaces to allow people to sell tweets as NFTs, has suspended almost all of its activity due to plagiarism-related problems. According to its CEO and co-founder Cameron Hej...