7 DeFi protocol hacks in Feb sees $21 million in funds pilfered: DefiLlama

Reentrancy, price oracle attacks and exploits across seven protocols caused decentralized finance (DeFi) space to bleed at least $21 million in crypto in February.  According to DeFi-centric data anal...

Nearly $200M Pilfered From Nomad Bridge in Latest DeFi Exploit

Crypto bridge Nomad was exploited for nearly $200 million on Aug. 1. The team is investigating the attack and has warned users not to send funds to individuals impersonating Nomad employees. Crypto br...

Bored Ape Discord Hack Results in Pilfered Primates

A number of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) from the Bored Ape Yacht Club and related collections have been stolen in a hack of the project’s Discord channel. It sounds like an April Fool joke but is far fr...