Bitcoin Developers Loses Staggering $3.3M in PGP Exploit

The PGP keys were reportedly compromised for the hacker to gain access to more than 200 Bitcoins lying in the developers wallet. In the latest development of a crypto wallet hack, Bitcoin developer Lu...

Bitcoin developer claims loss of $3.3 million after PGP exploit

Bitcoin core developer Luke Dashjr claimed his wallet was hacked due to a Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key compromise. Dashjr’s wallet had multiple outgoing transactions on Dec. 31, totaling over 2...

Bitcoin core developer loses 216 BTC to ‘PGP compromise’

Bitcoin core developer Luke Dashjr said he lost “basically” all his BTC stash to the compromise of his  PGP key in a Jan. 1 Twitter thread. Dashjr did not reveal the amount of BTC he lost to the alleg...