Trends, Analysis, and What Sets OneRoyal Apart

OneRoyal has always emphasized the importance of expertise, professional industry knowledge, and high-quality market analysis to its traders. Today, we sit down with the company’s Head of Market Analy...

OneRoyal Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence

A 15th anniversary puts things into perspective for OneRoyal. The company was founded in 2006, a year before iPhone 1 had been launched and long before smartphones were glued to our hand. Touch screen...

OneRoyal Expands Its C-Suite with Four Senior Executives

OneRoyal announced that it has expanded its C-Suite with four new senior executives, namely Michael Karakatsianis as Group Chief Operating Officer, Stelios Christodoulou as Chief Financial Officer, So...

OneRoyal Chairman Al-Annan on Making 2022 a Royal Year

Not all success stories are loud, and OneRoyal is a prime example of that. Founded in the US in 2006, the broker saw global expansion and opening offices from Europe to Australia. In 15 years of succe...