Local Hong Kong Firms Raise Funds for NGOs Through NFTs

Three local Hong Kong companies are raising funds for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to support green initiatives and sustainability. In its published introdu...

The world doesn’t need banks, policymakers or NGOs — It needs DeFi

Where I grew up, on the southern border in Texas, a tremendous number of people have come to the United States to work and send money back home. They don’t make much money, but they pay considerable f...

In A David Versus Goliath Battle Between NGOs And A Pipeline Company, Goliath Is Losing

David Sligh, Conservation Director at Wild Virginia Will Kerner Logistics is 7.4% of US GDP. Pipeline transportation represents just half a percentage point of that 7.4% total. Proponents of pipelines...

Crypto Donations Pour in After Ukrainian Government’s Plea: NGOs and Government Raised $14.2 million 

Elliptic, a blockchain analysis company, reveals that the Ukrainian government and non-governmental organizations(NGOs) raised around $14.2 million in anonymous crypto donations.  As stated previously...

Indonesian regulator takes cue from Islamic NGOs, bars crypto sales for institutions

Indonesia’s financial watchdog the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) warned financial institutions in the country against offering or facilitating crypto-asset sales. On Tuesday, the official Instagram acc...

NGOs Use Crypto To Aid Afghans Facing Taliban Takeover

Crypto is playing an important role for organizations looking to send financial aid to Afghanistan. Around 24.4 million afghans are in humanitarian need, but strict rules and sanctions forbid money to...