Swiss luxury watchmaker TAG Heuer introduces NFT-enabled smartwatch

Watchmaker TAG Heuer has partnered with the well-known nonfungible token (NFT) community surrounding Bored Ape Yacht Club and CLONE-X to create a smartwatch that displays NFTs and connects to crypto w...

Epic Store’s First NFT-Enabled Game Announced

Epic Games, the developer and publisher behind Fortnite, officially announced its NFT game, called Grit, a game developed by Web3 gaming company Gala Games. Gala Games announced Monday that Grit was o...

BlockDown: Croatia 2022 calls for Artists in the first NFT-enabled festival

Croatia announces a call for all the digital artists and NFT creators to grab the exclusive opportunity to showcase their talent in this one-of-a-kind festival.  BlockDown Croatia 2022 is all set to r...

BlockDown returns with an NFT-enabled festival of Web3 culture on the Croatian coast

Following on from the BlockDown: DeData conference last December, BlockDown is returning this May 11-13 for its first in-person festival in the coastal city of Sibenik in Croatia for the world’s first...