FTX Collapse Largely Spares NFT Treasuries

November 15, 2022, 10:15AM EST • 3 min read Quick Take Rapid Insights provide a deeper analysis of the current crypto landscape in a timely fashion. In the aftermath of the FTX collapse, the impact of...

NFT royalties: The story so far

NFT royalties, once the reigning recurring fee to benefit creators, have been sent to the gallows.  This year marked a race to the bottom among marketplaces to remove royalties and cut NFT trading cos...

Yuga Labs suggest allowlist to help maintain royalties upon sale

Wylie Aronow and the other co-founders of Yuga Labs have suggested a way for upholding NFT royalties for new smart contracts. They suggest doing this through an allowlist which would check the w...

Doodles CEO says brand is ‘ready to grow up,’ aims for Disney-level brand recognition

Ask Doodles new CEO Julian Holguin what he envisions for his upstart NFT brand, and he boasts of his company aspiring to challenge entertainment giants such as Disney, Amazon or Netflix. Doodles...