6 Questions for Dawn Newton of Netki – Cointelegraph Magazine

We ask the buidlers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their thoughts on the industry… and throw in a few random zingers to keep them on their toes!   This week, our 6 Questions go to Daw...

After criticism, El Salvador joined hands with AlphaPoint and Netki to upgrade Chivo

El Salvador has now added two more firms to its roster: AlphaPoint, a software company based in New York, and Netki, a digital identity supplier based in Los Angeles. Netki joined the Chivo project an...

El Salvador’s Bitcoin wallet onboards 4M users with Netki partnership

El Salvador, the first country to make Bitcoin (BTC) a legal tender has onboarded 4 million users for its government-backed BTC wallet Chivo in partnership with digital identity provider Netki, accord...