Bitcoin Netflows At Neutral Values As Market Reaches Balance

Data shows Bitcoin exchange inflows and outflows have reached a stalemate as netflows aren’t leaning in any particular direction. Bitcoin Demand Possibly Slowing Down As Netflows Become Neutral Accord...

Bitcoin Bearish Signal: Exchange Netflows Spike Up

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin exchange netflow has observed a sharp positive spike recently, a sign that could be bearish for the crypto’s price. Bitcoin All Exchanges Netflow Spikes Up Following 9%...

Ethereum Bearish Signal: Netflows Turn Sharply Positive

On-chain data shows the Ethereum netflows are sharply turning positive, a sign that could prove to be bearish for the crypto. Ethereum Exchange Reserve Rises As Netflows Become Positive As pointed out...

Bitcoin Netflows Turn Negative As Investors Buy The Crash

On-chain data shows Bitcoin netflows have increasingly become negative since the crash, meaning investors have been buying the dip. Bitcoin Netflows Becoming More Negative Since The Crash As pointed o...