The Quest Pro And Everything In Meta’s Metaverse

Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg as a photorealistic Codec avatar. Meta Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Connect developer conference keynote on Tuesday introduced the new $1,499 Meta Quest Pro, which is fo...

Mona Metaverse Raises $14.6 Million, Niantic Teams With NBA For AR Game, Immerse Language Learning In VR

A wave of layoffs is hitting tech companies. It was reported this week that Unity has laid off hundreds of workers and Niantic cancels projects amidst layoffs. It’s possible this is related to recent ...

New XR Experiences Shine At SXSW

SXSW 22 bravely soldiered on in the face of the Omicron surge to plan this year’s festival. Attendance at the first IRL SXSW since 2019 seemed anemic. Local media is saying sales are down 20%, but Hyp...