Zircon Finance launches mainnet to mitigate impermanent loss on Moonriver

Zircon Finance, an automated market maker (AMM) and a decentralized exchange on Moonbeam, announced the launch of a mainnet network to address investors’ challenges related to impermanent loss in dece...

Calamari’s KMA Token Goes Live on Moonriver After Successful Integration – crypto.news

Moonbeam, the multi-chain application hub on Polkadot today announced an integration with privacy-oriented Calamari parachain and the availability of Manta’s native Calamari token, KMA, on Moonriver. ...

Calamari’s Token KMA Listed On Moonriver After Successful Integration

Moonbeam, the first Polkadot parachain, announced Tuesday that Moonbeam and the privacy-oriented Calamari network successfully connected. The event marks one of the first Calamari XCM integrations. Un...

Wanchain Deploys New Integration With Moonbeam, Moonriver, Polkadot, and Wanchain

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp Wanchain, the world’s premier decentralized blockchain interoperability solution has deployed new bridges connecting Moonbeam, Moonriver, Polkadot, a...

Polkadot, Moonbeam, Moonriver Now Connected by Wanchain Bridges

Vladislav Sopov Wanchain-Moonbeam, Polkadot-Moonbeam, Moonbeam-Moonriver bridges Contents Wanchain releases three bridges for Polkadot’s networks xcKSM becomes first asset of three blockchains A...

Wanchain Deploys New Bridges Connecting Moonbeam, Moonriver, Polkadot and Wanchain

– Advertisement – United Kingdom, London, 5th May, 2022, Wanchain, the global leader for blockchain interoperability solutions, has integrated new bridges that connect respectively Wanchai...

Moonriver to unlock 1.1M KSM in May as leasing period comes to an end

The Moonriver team has announced the Big Unlock event, where it will unlock 1.1 million Kusama (KSM) that was locked in the first batch of parachain crowd loans. The funds will be unlocked “around May...