an AMA for Giovanni Motta’s comics- The Cryptonomist

In the run-up to the launch of the first issue of the comic book Metaborg, which will take place on 7 July at 6:30 AM (EST) on the Nifty Gateway platform, Poseidon DAO on 5 July at 7:30 PM (CET) will ...

Metaborg by Giovanni Motta on the ninth cover

The NFT Magazine, a project created by The Cryptonomist and ArtRights, is now in its ninth edition. The magazine will be available for public sale on OpenSea starting on 2 July, at a cost of 0.05 ETH,...

Metaborg, the new NFT manga by Giovanni Motta

Giovanni Motta is a well-known artist in the digital world. Over the past year, he has made his way into the NFT environment by selling and exhibiting numerous digital works. The story of Giovanni Mot...