Does Exposing And Logging Those Generative AI ChatGPT Erroneous And Hallucinatory Outputs Do Any Good, Asks AI Ethics And AI Law

There are errors and falsehoods being produced by generative AI ChatGPT, and some believe we should … [+] be keeping a list. getty You are in for a secret. Yes, there’s something surreptitiously...

Tiktok Users Beware – They are Logging your keystrokes, Says Report

TikTok has always been in the news, and not for good reasons most of the time. And we aren’t talking about the cringe videos that make our stomach churn. The micro-video sharing platform has always be...

Fantom (FTM) Hit By Bearish Sentiment Despite Logging Over 300,000 Active Users

Fantom network was able to log more than 300,000 active weekly users which is a 4% decrease from the 325,000 users tracked the past week. Fantom treads the bearish route as negatively impacted by the ...