Lina Khan Acts as Though Congress Doesn’t Exist, Which Is a Problem

In a Wall Street Journal piece explaining her decision to resign from the FTC, outgoing Commissioner Christine Wilson cited many reasons associated with Chairman Lina Khan, including Khan’s past writt...

The FTC’s Fight Against Non-Monopolies Won’t Help Consumers

Popular Bloomberg News columnist Matt Levine likes to make a comical point in his popular Moneystuff column for Bloomberg that from the SEC’s perspective nearly everything a company does (or its execu...

Damian Chazelle’s Brilliant ‘Babylon’ Should Be Required Viewing for Lina Khan

FTC Chair Lina Khan is hopelessly disconnected from reality. Conversely the movie industry is reality. It’s a constant reminder through producers, directors and actors of how incredibly difficult it i...

As Mark Zuckerberg Looks Into the Future, the FTC Nips at His Ankles

How easily we forget. What do we forget? It’s that the future of commerce is the living definition of uncertain. If you doubt this, consider Amazon’s market capitalization. As this piece is being writ...

Expanding Amtrak’s Scope Would Waste Taxpayer Money And Increase Shipping Costs

Passenger rail enthusiasts like to point to the shabby service and equipment on Amtrak in order to lobby for more government investment in passenger rail. In the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment ...

The FTC’s Challenge To Meta’s Acquisition Of A VR Fitness Company Hurts Innovation And Competition

Earlier this week, Lina Khan’s FTC demonstrated just how little they understand about innovation and competition. In court, the agency argued that Meta’s acquisition of Within Unlimited, the maker of ...

Proposed Antitrust Legislation Threatens To Harm U.S. Tech Startups And The Innovation Economy

The recently-released GDP estimates revealed that the economy contracted for the second quarter in a row, and some economists fear that we may already be in a recession. Given the precarious nature of...

U.S. Probes Big Beef’s Link To Inflation

Unprecedented consolidation in the U.S. food industry may be a cause of rising prices and empty grocery-store shelves. The White House, supported by independent economic analysts, has asserted there’s...