Calamari’s KMA Token Goes Live on Moonriver After Successful Integration –

Moonbeam, the multi-chain application hub on Polkadot today announced an integration with privacy-oriented Calamari parachain and the availability of Manta’s native Calamari token, KMA, on Moonriver. ...

Calamari’s Token KMA Listed On Moonriver After Successful Integration

Moonbeam, the first Polkadot parachain, announced Tuesday that Moonbeam and the privacy-oriented Calamari network successfully connected. The event marks one of the first Calamari XCM integrations. Un...

Calamari Network Announces over 70% Of $KMA Will Be Moved to Its Treasury

Substrate-based DeFi privacy protocol, Manta Network, announced treasury changes to its Kusama parachain, Calamari Network, locking 7.5 billion $KMA, or 71.5% of the total $KMA supply, in their decent...

Manta Network announces over 70% of $KMA will be moved to its Treasury

Substrate-based DeFi privacy protocol, Manta Network, announced treasury changes to its Kusama parachain, Calamari Network, locking 7.5 billion $KMA, or 71.5% of the total $KMA supply, in their decent...