20 Million JavaScript Devs Can Now Build Applications

A student can build an app without needing to learn new languages – founder Illia Polosukhin Near Price at the time of writing – $5.37 JS SDK includes the contract framework itself, JavaScript, and Ty...

20 million JavaScript devs can now build applications on NEAR: KBW 2022

20 million JavaScript developers will now have the ability to write blockchain smart contracts and build applications on the Near Protocol after rolling out JavaScript Software Development Kits (JS SD...

Near Protocol opens doors to JavaScript Developers with SDK release

Layer 1 blockchain protocol NEAR has announced the launch of its JavaScript Software Development Kit (JS SDK) during the ongoing ETHToronto Hackathon on Monday. The NEAR JS SDK will allow JavaScript d...

Agoric Raises $50M in CoinList Token Sale to Bring JavaScript Developers Into Crypto

“Over time, there will be more phases,” Tribble said. “After the first launch, it will go into a permission phase, where people can propose, say, a core contract for NFTs that’s all written in JavaScr...