Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities Can Protect Your Cash During A Recession

Getty Images Key takeaways With traditional bonds, you pay a face amount and earn a fixed interest rate for the bond’s life. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) also have fixed intere...

Why Are My Inflation-Protected Bonds Falling When Inflation Is So High?

Listen to article (1 minute) You would think this would be TIPS’ time to shine. Instead, the prices of Treasury inflation-protected securities—government bonds that are adjusted to keep up with inflat...

These inflation-protected bonds may pay 9.6%, but deal won’t last

One of the sweetest deals going for individual savers – a government-backed, inflation-protected bond — is about to get sweeter. But already, there are signs the party won’t last forever. Next m...

How Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities can help your retirement savings weather 7.5% inflation

That’s not good news for retirement savers. And some might consider the stock market to be a bit frothy these days. So, it might make sense to invest a portion of your retirement nest egg conservative...

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities: What Investors Should Know About TIPS

TIPS have suddenly moved to center stage for investors, as the surge in inflation has drawn new interest in Treasury inflation-protected securities. But how much do investors really know about these s...

How To Find Inflation-Protected Payouts For 40% Per Year

Newspaper headline “Oil prices jump” getty As the stock market returns to Planet Earth, we contrarians will have an opportunity to cherry pick some bargains. This is a good thing for us in...