Elon Musk says Twitter payment will use fiat, but crypto will be implemented later – Cryptopolitan

Twitter has filed for regulatory licenses across America and begun creating innovative software capable of processing payments on its platform to turn its business around. Spearheading this mission is...

‘Stealth Addresses Can Be Implemented Fairly Quickly Today’

Vladislav Sopov Ethereum’s (ETH) creator shared his views on promises and challenges of ‘stealth addresses,’ i.e., invisible cryptocurrency wallets Contents Vitalik Buterin proposes ...

Vitalik Buterin Names One of Ethereum’s ‘Biggest Challenges,’ Says Improvement Can be Implemented Fairly Quickly

Ethereum (ETH) creator Vitalik Buterin says that the leading smart contract platform faces a serious obstacle, but that a relatively simple solution could help immensely. In a post on his blog, Buteri...

Since EIP-1559 Was Implemented, $4.6 Billion Worth of ETH Has Burnt

EIP-1559 was launched in August 2021.  For every transaction on the network, one ETH is burned.  Making it more deflationary than Bitcoin. Ethereum still ranks second despite it being used by numerous...

Basel Committee Endorses Global Crypto Banking Rules be Implemented by 2025

The classification conditions the committee have set out include ensuring crypto passes a redemption risk test and basis risk test. “The redemption risk test is to ensure that the reserve assets...

A New Trade Plan Has Been Implemented on the ABBC Trade Portal To Help Users Maximize Their Earnings

– Advertisement – Just today, the ABBC Foundation announced that the current trade plan with 300% BUSD rewards has already expired and a new ABBC Trade plan has been implemented. In the fe...

Elon Musk Eliminates Jack Dorsey’s Implemented “Days of rest”

The CEO of Twitter took another big step towards the company’s day off. According to the recent Bloomberg report, published on November 03, 2022, Elon Musk has eliminated “days of rest,” for the Twitt...

Data Shows How Badly Terra Classic Volume Affected After 1.2% Burn Tax Implemented

– Advertisement – Analysis of Terra Classic Data Sheds Deeper Insight on Effects of 1.2% Burn Tax on LUNC Volume. A LUNC proponent and software developer has shared deeper insight on the e...

The European Union Tightly Implemented Crypto Regulations on Russia and Banned all Wallets and Custody Services

Russia and Ukraine wars disrupted the global economical structure. European Union tightens rules and regulations on Russia.  The War between Russia and Ukraine has been troubling several countries, an...

Hardforks: Answer to the flaws faced by Crypto assets, and why they should be implemented.

General Introduction of what Hardforks are. Mechanism of how Hardforks work and how they solve the problems faced by Crypto Assets. What are some Hard Forks of Crypto Assets like Bitcoin? A general un...