An internet browser based on Bitcoin: Impervious

Here is Impervious, a Bitcoin-based browser which, thanks to the Lightning Network, gets rid of all intermediary. Impervious: a new decentralised web browser based on Bitcoin During the big Bitcoin 20...

Impervious releases fully decentralized browser

Impervious will release its fully decentralized browser publicly on April 7 during Bitcoin Week 2022, the platform tweeted. It’s billed as “google without google, zoom without zoom, and identity witho...

Bitcoin Layer 3: What Is The Impervious Browser? When Can We Expect It?

The Impervious browser is upon us. The company will launch its most ambitious product at the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, on April 7th. What is it, though? And, while you’re at it, what does Impe...