European New ICE Vehicle Ban In 2035 Stumbles, But Has It Crashed?

European Union sets new climate law: net-zero emissions are now a target for 2050 – Carbon … [+] Neutrality concept with CO2 and O2 molecules against tree canopy and sky background getty T...

Tesla Versus Prius And The Carbon Crisis Long-Game

Toyota has been criticized as a laggard when it comes to electric cars but the world’s biggest automaker says a blended strategy of EVs, plug-in hybrids and Prius-like hybrids can have a bigger impact...

Toyota unveils new Prius hybrids amid skepticism of its EV strategy

2023 Toyota Prius Prime plug-in hybrid electric vehicle Toyota Toyota Motor is not giving up on its flagship Prius hybrid anytime soon, despite investing billions in all-electric vehicles amid critici...

Not Ready to Go Full EV? Some Car Companies Bet Bigger on Hybrids

Demand for hybrid vehicles is hot, reinforcing the view from Toyota Motor Corp. and other auto makers that the gas-electric approach will play an important role even as the industry races toward fully...

Toyota used up all its EV tax credits on hybrids

Toyota has reached the 200,000-unit cap on electric and plug-in-hybrid vehicles that are eligible for a federal tax credit of $7,500. While the Japanese automaker does have exactly one electric vehicl...