3 Ways To Enhance Visibility

Presence and visibility enhance relationships. getty Working from home can be pretty great, but it also comes with drawbacks. In particular, your time away from the office may be a barrier to advancin...

Ordered Back To The Office? 5 Reasons To Feel Better About It

Your employer probably wants you back in the office—but you can feel good about going in. getty If you’re like many people, you’ve been asked to come back to the office. Some organizations have taken ...

What Leaders Are Getting Wrong About The Return To The Office

Many leaders have room for improvement in how they’re managing the return to the office. getty The debate between employers and employees about the great return to the office goes on. Headlines ...

New Data Proves Flexible Work Really Works: 7 Factors For Success

Flexible working is linked with innovation and wellbeing. getty The debate about where work happens has been extraordinarily misdirected—with the media perpetuating a false contradiction about whether...

Here’s What’s Real Based On Evidence

It’s a myth people don’t want to return to the office—but there are conditions. getty The debate about the return to the office rages on—people are demanding flexibility, they’re threateni...

What The Generations Want From Work: New Data Offers Surprises

Multiple generations bring challenge and opportunities. getty Generations have long been a way to understand people and what they want—from their work and for their lives. And companies should pay att...

Power Is Shifting Away From Employees: Can Remote Work Survive?

What will a shift in power mean to the future of work? getty In the last couple years, employees have made some great strides in terms of flexibility, pay and quality of life—but that may be ending. H...

Here’s How To Find The Right Remote Job

Assess remote work opportunities for the best fit. getty Remote work is trending and recent high-profile communication from senior executives (Elon Musk’s letter is an example) is likely fueling incre...

3 Things Elon Musk Got Right About The Return To The Office (And Some He Got Wrong)

He got it wrong, but also partially right in his letter to employees. Getty Images True to his persona, Elon Musk has created quite a stir with his letter to his employees about the return to the offi...

Elon Musk’s Big Bet Against Remote Work: Will Tesla Win?

Hybrid work is the new normal ptrtraining Elon Musk’s June 1 email to Tesla employees was titled, “To Be Super Clear.” His directive left no room for speculation: Everyone, at every level, was ordered...

5 Ways To Manage The Emotional Labor

Emotional labor has increased with leadership. getty Great leadership has never been easy, especially if you’re doing it well. But it’s arguably harder now than it’s been in the recent past, and it re...

4 Great Ways To Grow Your Career Even When You Work Remote

It’s possible to grow your career, even if you work remote. getty Hybrid work is the future and millions of workers will have the opportunity to benefit from its terrific advantages—but the dark...

30 Executives’ Perspectives On Remote, Hybrid, And In-Office Work

As employees and employers navigate the return to normalcy, flexibility is something that’s here to … [+] stay post-pandemic. Karl Weimer Whether you’re a manager at a company with 3,000 e...

3 Ways Agile Makes Work Better

The future of work will demand speed, flexibility and engagement. getty Agile has always been a super-effective way to work, but the number of teams and organizations leveraging agile has grown signif...

Here’s What You Can Demand

With hybrid work, companies are offering plenty of new benefits. getty The landscape of work is changing significantly, and hybrid work is here to stay. This sets the stage for employees to expect a n...

6 Ways To Create Success

Help people make a successful transition to hybrid work. getty Hybrid is here to stay, and it will surely turn work upside down. Adopting new ways of working and relating will be the name of the game,...

8 Things Companies Get Wrong About Hybrid Work—And How To Get It Right

Avoid mistakes and misalignment by considering your assumptions about hybrid work. getty Hybrid work is the future and organizations are struggling to figure out how to move forward while retaining an...

What Hybrid Work Means For Urban Retail

Pedestrians walk past a store on H St in Washington D.C.’s city center (Photo taken Feb. 16, 2022. … [+] by Ting Shen/Xinhua via Getty Images). Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images The stre...