Viktor Orbán—Right-Wing Hungarian Leader Endorsed By Trump—Declares Reelection Victory

Topline Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán—who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump and is widely considered an authoritarian nationalist—claimed to win his fourth straight election on Sun...

LBank Exchange Will List Hungarian Vizsla Inu (HVI) on March 7, 2022

INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, Feb. 28, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list Hungarian Vizsla Inu (HVI) on March 7, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the HVI/USDT trad...

Hungarian central bank governor next in line to ban crypto

Matolcsy, governor of the central bank of Hungary, has said that he backs a ban on cryptocurrencies, not only in Hungary, but throughout the European Union. The queue of central bankers coming forward...

Hungarian Central Bank Governor Favors Crypto Ban

Hungarian National Bank Governor György Matolcsy is in favor of a crypto ban, following an earlier suggestion by Russia’s monetary authority. “I perfectly agree with the proposal,” Matolcsy said in re...

Hungarian Central Bank Governor Advocates EU Wide Crypto Ban

The Governor of the Hungarian Central Bank, György Matolcsy, recommended that all cryptocurrency-focused activities including trading and mining should be banned across the European Union. In a releas...