5 Things They Need For A Bright Future

Gen Z faces challenges, but there is hope for a bright future. getty As the newest entrants to the workforce, Gen Z is in the spotlight—and the news isn’t all good. There is emphasis on their challeng...

Retirement can mean a loss of identity — how to bring happiness to your next act

For many people transitioning into retirement, the famous lines from the start of “A Chorus Line” resonate: “Who am I anyway? Am I my résumé? That is a picture of a person I don’t know!” Struggling wi...

The First Wedding in Metaverse Concludes and Sandbox Celebrates the Happiness

Clarence Chan and Joanne Tham married in the metaverse, courtesy of the partnership between The Sandbox, 1-Group, and Smobler Studios. The wedding was themed around 70s disco energy and the virtual ba...

If You Have This Much Money, Hiring a Financial Advisor Leads to Much More Happiness

Money can’t buy happiness directly, but it seems like paying a financial advisor sure can help. A new survey found people with more than $1.2 million in household assets report higher levels of happin...

Alameda Research Co-CEO quits crypto in pursuit of “happiness”

Sam Trabucco, Co-CEO of Alameda Research alongside Caroline Ellison, announced that he would be stepping down after admitting to “not really working at all” over the past few months. At a time when Al...

5 Ways Work Must Change

Burnout has become a worldwide issue. getty People across the nation and across the world are burned out, exhausted and depressed. And the talent revolution (aka the great resignation) is perhaps the ...

Electric Car Happiness Will Turn To Fury When Real Range Becomes Clear

Vintage illustration of an ‘electronic car of tomorrow’ driving on a city highway, with electronic … [+] display and guidance, 1950s. Screen print. (Illustration by GraphicaArtis/Get...

3 Ways Agile Makes Work Better

The future of work will demand speed, flexibility and engagement. getty Agile has always been a super-effective way to work, but the number of teams and organizations leveraging agile has grown signif...

How To Age Happily – Surfing From Fluid To Crystallised Intelligence

Arthur C. Brooks Arthur Brooks has boundless energy and a contagious enthusiasm. A musician-turned-professor-turned-think tank CEO-turned-Atlantic magazine journalist-turned-Harvard faculty superstar,...