Opinion: The floodgates are open for grandparents to super-size college savings for grandkids

If you’re a grandparent looking to save the day by helping your grandchildren pay for college, take a second look at a tax-advantaged 529 college savings plan before the end of the year. Rule changes ...

Grandparents and Advisors Need to Know About These 529, FAFSA Changes

This image shows grandparents and a student. Grandparents should know about new FAFSA changes that will impact 529 college savings accounts. State and federal tax benefits make a 529 college savings a...

Your Grandkids’ Education And Your Retirement: Can You Fund Both?

Grandfather and his grandkids getty Adequately funding your retirement should be your first priority, but what if you also want to contribute to your grandkids’ education? We asked Larry Mathis, CEO o...