Court Rejects Immunity For Police Who Held 83-Year-Old Grandmother At Gunpoint

An 83-year-old woman who was held at gunpoint and handcuffed after her car was wrongly reported as stolen can sue the officers responsible, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled earlier this m...

I’ll inherit $40,000 from my grandmother. Should my husband and I boost our kids’ college savings accounts, or pay off credit cards and student loans?

After a terrible battle with dementia, my grandmother died a few weeks ago. She did not leave much, but I will — along with my siblings — receive about $40,000 in life insurance. I am trying to figure...

How Her Great Grandmother Empowered Women In Her Family

Manisha Koirala in a still from ‘India Sweets and Spices’. Light Bulb Films Indian actor Manisha Koirala has been in the industry for more than three decades now – she started her Hi...

Grandmother Urges Supreme Court To Stop The IRS From Confiscating Bank Accounts

After the IRS demanded half of her bank account for failing to file a one-page form, an 82-year-old grandmother is calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to reject that penalty as an unconstitutionally exc...