Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Discord was ‘briefly exploited’ resulting in 200 ETH in NFT thefts

Blue-chip non-fungible token (NFT) project Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) said on Saturday afternoon that its Discord servers were subject to a “brief” exploit, as 200 ETH ($357,000) worth of...

Exploited Bored Ape Yacht Club Discord Admin Leads To 200 ETH Heist

Time and time again, we are seeing social media and communication mediums such as Discord, Telegram and others become a point of vulnerability for major NFT projects. That was exhibited once again tod...

Mirror Protocol Exploited Again – Crypto Briefing

Key Takeaways Mirror Protocol is currently suffering its second exploit. An error in price oracle implementation has allegedly allowed up to $2 million to be siphoned from the protocol. The situation ...

Anchor Protocol Got Exploited with Launch of Luna 2.0, User Makes “Free” $800,000

Arman Shirinyan Lucky user makes almost $1 million because of simple exploit Following the launch of Luna 2.0, some lucky users got a “free” $800,000 thanks to the bug that happened on Anc...

More than $1.6 billion exploited from DeFi so far in 2022

The decentralized finance (DeFi) space has been rife with hacks, exploits, and scams so far this year with over $1.6 billion in crypto stolen from users, surpassing the total amount stolen in 2020 and...

Rari Capital’s Fuse Lending Pools Exploited for Over $80 Million –

One of the leading DeFi protocols Rari Capital fell victim to hackers who stole over $80 million worth of digital assets from the platform’s Fuse lending pools. Rari Capital’s Fuse Lending Pools Attac...

Fei Protocol Exploited For $80 Mln, Funds Moved Into Tornado Cash

Ethereum-based DeFi exchange Fei Protocol lost about $80 million worth of tokens in an exploit on Saturday, on-chain data showed. The protocol offered the hacker a $10 million bounty to return the sto...

How Deus Finance Was Exploited for $13.4M on Fantom

On the other end, liquidity pools, such as the USDC and DEI pool on Deus, rely on so-called oracles to ensure they are correctly priced at all times and any borrowing is within limits that don’t excee...

BTC whales’ buying spree continues as another DeFi bridge is exploited | Industry Analysis| OKX Academy

BTC rises on momentum from large public buyers, but regulation worries begin to take root in Europe. It was a volatile week for crypto markets, which saw both BTC and ETH prices increase early alongsi...

Ola Finance Suffers Re-Entrancy Hack, $3.6m Exploited From DeFi Protocol

Decentralized finance protocol Ola Finance has suffered a re-entrancy attack which saw some $3.6 million worth of crypto drained from its protocol. Blockchain security firm PeckShield issued a disclos...

Ola Finance Exploited for $3.6M in Re-Entrancy Attack

The attacker began by withdrawing funds using Tornado Cash, which enables users to transfer crypto without leaving a trace. After transferring the funds to the Fuse network, the borrower used them as ...

Ronin Bridge Exploited For Over $600 Million

According to the latest news, Ronin Network (RON), the sidechain created by the Sky Mavis team, was under a heavy hacking attack. The loss is estimated at over $600 million. Ronin Network also announc...

Axie Infinity’s Ronin Network Exploited, $625m In USDC and ETH Stolen

Axie Infinity’s Ronin Sidechain has been exploited, with a yet unidentified threat actor stealing away an estimated $625 million in USDC and ETH. According to a community alert posted by the Ron...

Largest Crypto Hack Ever? Ronin Bridge Exploited for $600M+ in ETH and USDC

Ronin – an EVM blockchain for play-to-earn games – recently fell victim to one of the largest hacks in the history of crypto. A whopping 173,600 ETH was drained from Ronin bridge within the last week,...

Another DeFi Hack as Cashio Minting Contract for CASH Gets Exploited  –

On March 23, 2022, Cashio tweeted that attackers had exploited its minting contract for its stablecoin CASH. They added that they are investigating the matter, and users should withdraw their funds fr...

Stablecoin Cashio on Solana exploited for $28 million in ‘infinite mint glitch’

Quick Take Cashio Dollar is an algorithmic stablecoin backed by USDT-USDC LP tokens. It fell foul to an “infinite mint glitch,” according to its team. advertisement A stablecoin on the Solana blockcha...

Bored Ape Airdrop Exploited To Steal $1.5 Mln in Apecoin

A vulnerability in the Bored Ape Yacht Club’s (BAYC) airdrop was exploited to steal about $1.5 million in ApeCoin tokens (APE), a research report showed. APE tokens were initially distributed to holde...

Protocols exploited: Hundred and Agave suspended market while investigating exploit of $11M

Agave and Hundred Finance have suspended operations while the investigation on the exploit continues. After executing a “re-entrancy” assault on the decentralized finance (Defi) lending protocol appli...

Agave and Hundred Finance DeFi protocols exploited for $11M

A hacker has made off with approximately $11 million in Wrapped ETH, Wrapped BTC, Chainlink, USDC, Gnosis, and Wrapped XDAI after using a “re-entrancy” attack on DeFi lending protocol applications Aga...

DeFi protocols Agave and Hundred Finance exploited on Gnosis Chain for $11 million

Quick Take The attacker introduced a reentrancy bug to steal funds using a flash loan exploit. The projects lost a combined $11 million in the attack, hours after a similar incident involving Deus Fin...

Fantom’s DeFi Fantasm Finance (FSM) Exploited; $2.6 Million Lost

Vladislav Sopov The season of DeFi hacks is nowhere near an end: Fantom-based protocol is under fire Contents Three chains, five assets: Fantasm Finance drained for $2.6 million Repayment campaign sta...

Bitcoin Whales Exploited January Weakness As Ethereum’s Large Investors Took Profit: Crypto Exchange Kraken

Crypto exchange Kraken says crypto whales took diverging paths regarding their holdings of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) during the month of January. In a new report, Kraken first defines whale wal...

Polygon Protocol QiDAO Exploited, At Least $13M in Crypto Stolen

QiDAO, the native stablecoin protocol on Polygon blockchain, has become the latest target of hackers as its Superfluid vesting contract leading was exploited on Tuesday morning, the developers confirm...

Vesting Contract for Polygon DeFi Protocol QiDAO Exploited for $13 Million

Polygon-based DeFi protocol QiDAO fell victim to an exploit of its Superfluid vesting contract on Tuesday, resulting in a loss of approximately $13 million. The QiDAO protocol allows users to borrow s...

Polygon stablecoin QiDAO exploited for $13M on Superfluid vested contract

Polygon’s native stablecoin protocol QiDAO faced an exploit on its Superfluid vesting contract leading to a 65% drop in the price of the governance token QI. QI price fell from $1.24 to $0.18. QiDAO t...

MeterIO Decentralized Protocol Exploited for $4.3 Million

Arman Shirinyan Not a $320 million steal, but still, it is more than one protocol can afford to lose Contents Technical explanation of the hack Cross-chain bridges are suffering Another DeFi-related p...

Ethereum-Solana Bridge Warmhole Exploited In A Massive $300 Million Hack

On Wednesday, February 2, one of the most popular crypto bridge networks connecting the Ethereum and the Solana blockchains has faced a massive hack of a staggering $320 million. Warmhole has appraise...

Wormhole Network’s Cross-Chain Bridge Exploited for Over $250 Million in Ethereum – Bitcoin News

Jamie Redman Jamie Redman is the News Lead at News and a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a ...

DeFi protocol Qubit Finance exploited for $80 million in a recent hack

Losing $80 million worth of BNB tokens in a recent hack, Qubit Finance joined the unfortunate list of exploited DeFi protocols on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The DeFi lending protocol reported the inci...

BSC-Based DeFi Project Qubit Finance Exploited for $80 Million in BNB

The Binance Smart Chain-based protocol Qubit Finance reported being hacked for $80 million worth of BNB. The attackers managed to create the illusion that they had deposited large amounts of xETH coll...

Ethereum-BSC bridge of Qubit Finance exploited, lost $80 million

The cross-chain bridge of DeFi protocol Qubit Finance, called X-Bridge, has been exploited and lost $80 million in the process. X-Bridge facilitates swapping tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chai...

DeFi Protocol Qubit Finance Exploited For $80M

Binance Smart Chain-based Qubit Finance was exploited for over $80 million by attackers on Friday morning, developers confirmed in a post. “The hacker minted unlimited xETH to borrow on BSC. The team ...