The Next U.S. Energy Revolution Is Here

Until now, the U.S. clean-energy revolution has been imported. Other countries make almost all of the batteries, solar panels, and critical chemicals used in America. But the revolution is starting to...

The Math Behind GE’s Breakup. It’s a Sum-of-the-Parts Party.

Once the mightiest of industrial conglomerates, General Electric is breaking into three pieces and it is time to value each of the businesses. That means doing a sum-of-the-parts, or SOTP, valuation. ...

Buy GE Stock as a Breakup Looms

So, it comes to this— General Electric once arguably the greatest of American companies, will cease to exist, at least as the industrial titan it once was. After more than 20 years of decline, the com...

Why GE Stock Is Worth More Than You Think

So, it comes to this— General Electric once arguably the greatest of American companies, will cease to exist, at least as the industrial titan it once was. After more than 20 years of decline, the com...

GE’s Three-Way Split Is Near. What the New Companies Will Be Called.

Text size GE’s aviation business will become GE Aerospace. Jason Redmond / AFP via Getty Images General Electric is undertaking an epic transformation under the leadership of CEO Larry Culp—the ...

Chinese Wind-Turbine Companies Seek Global Growth as Western Rivals Struggle

TARANTO, Italy—Chinese wind-turbine makers have grown big on the back of their rapidly growing home market. Now they want to expand abroad, putting further pressure on Western wind-turbine makers, whi...