The ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard Sights Compatibility and Ease of Use –

A newly proposed Ethereum token standard, ERC-4626 could resolve the mishmash of the types of design associated with tokens that print money in DeFi. The Joey Santoro-led Fei protocol is among the new...

How ERC-4626 Could Fuel the Next Wave of DeFi

If you know NFTs, you know token standard ERC-721. But are you caught up on ERC-4626? The TVL (total value locked) across all DeFi protocols stands at nearly $193 billion, according to data from DeFi ...

Yearn​.finance advocates for the adoption of ERC-4626 tokenized vault standard

Following the successful deployment of 25 previous Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) standards — including the industry recognized ERC-20 for fungible tokens, ERC-721 for nonfungible tokens (NFTs), ...

ERC-4626: DeFi's Newest Money Lego

ERC-4626 is a newly proposed Ethereum token standard that might resolve a sore issue in decentralized finance (DeFi): the mishmash of design types for tokens that print money. Proposed Jan. 4, ERC-462...