A slaughterhouse cleaning company paid a $1.5 million fine for illegally employing more than 100 children

Employees clean an empty processing room at a slaughterhouse in Santarem, Portugal, in a picture taken October 10, 2013. A food sanitation contractor illegally employed more than 100 children in hazar...

Court in Colombia Conducts Hearing in Metaverse Employing Horizon Worlds

 Judge Mara Victoria Quiones Triana, employed Horizon Worlds technology offered by Meta. The 2.5k persons who participated in the audience via Youtube had varying viewpoints. As far as we can tell, a ...

Conventional Use Cases for Decentralized Networks Employing the E…

The concept of decentralization is not new. In the development of a technology solution, it is common practice to evaluate the pros and downsides of centralized, distributed, and decentralized network...