Ethereum developers harmonize on Shanghai update –

Developers at the Ethereum Foundation, on their weekly call to discuss what features should roll out in the next hard fork, talked on Thursday, 24 November, and decided on eight proposals to explore f...

Ethereum Developers Share Considerations for Shanghai Upgrade

In a thread of tweets, ETH Core developer Tim Beiko shared details on the recently-held Ethereum developers call, where several items were deliberated, including the upcoming Shanghai hard fork. We wr...

A Play2Earn Gaming Ecosystem of NFTs, Players, and Developers

– Advertisement – Spider Tanks is a Play2Earn ecological network of NFT holders, players, and game developers. Players can earn Victory Points by playing Spider Tanks matches, buying and s...

Ethereum developers chose eight updates for Shanghai

The Ethereum Foundation made the announcement on November 24 that the developers working on the platform had reached a consensus on eight Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP) to investigate as part of...

Terra Classic Developers Squabble Over Millions In Off-Chain Assets

– Advertisement – Terra Classic developers exchange words as differences come to the fore over how the community should handle off-chain assets. Members of independent Terra Classic develo...

Ethereum developers decided on eight proposals for the Shanghai update

Developers at the Ethereum foundation decided on eight Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP) to explore for the Shanghai update, the next major upgrade after the Merge and its move to proof-of-stake co...

Can Klaytn Developers Continue to Prop Up KLAY Price?

Klaytn (KLAY) recently saw an unexpected surge in price, rising to as high as $0.1985 amid higher retail euphoria.  Klaytn, a public blockchain project led by the South Korean telecom giant Kakao, rec...

Casper Announced $25 Million Grant and Portal for Developers

Prominent PoS network is funding the Web 3 development Web 3 and blockchain development sector remained well funded despite the market downturns  Casper Network announced a grant of 25 million US...

Ethereum core developers signal support for ‘proto-danksharding’

Ethereum core developers are moving toward putting EIP-4844 — a highly-anticipated scaling proposal — live in a future mainnet upgrade, according to an Ethereum core developer meeting.  Develope...

Casper Association launches $25M grant to support developers on its blockchain

Scalable blockchain network Casper announced the launch of its new Casper Accelerate Grant Program on Nov. 23, created to support developers and innovators who are building apps to support infrastruct...

Ethereum Developers Agree on What Could Be Included in the Next Upgrade – But Not When

By the end of this call, the timeline for Shanghai wasn’t any clearer. Some developers want to expedite Shanghai and include only the ETH withdrawal EIP along with a few other smaller EIPs, sometime i...

35% of Bitcoin core team is from the U.S. as monthly active developers falls in 2022

Bitcoin (BTC) investment firm NYDIG’s report revealed that 35.1% of Bitcoin’s core developer team is residing in the U.S., and the core team grows by 5 to 20 people every month. There have been countl...

Casper blockchain network launches $25M grant to support developers

Blockchain network Casper Association yesterday announced the launch of a $25 million Casper Accelerate Grant Program. The aim of this funding grant is to support developers who are building apps to s...

Ethereum Developers Begin Testing Staking Withdrawals On Devnet

Ethereum developers have finally begun testing the withdrawal of staked ETH with the launch of a new developer network.  The development is significant, marking the first steps towards enabling Beacon...

Cardano launches Plutus DApp resource page for developers

After Input Output Global (IOG) announced the launch of the world’s first blockchain decentralization index, the builder of the cryptocurrency Cardano (ADA) has informed the public about the new resou...

Arrested Tornado Cash Developer’s Next Hearing After 3 Months

10 seconds ago | 2 mins read Altcoin News The developer was taken into custody on August 12 for alleged money laundering. Pertsev must remain in detention for an additional three months. On Tuesday, a...

Tornado Cash Developer’s Jail Stay Extended Yet Again

Alexey Pertsev, the developer of cryptocurrency mixer Tornado Cash, is set to stay in jail for longer as a Netherlands court ordered for an extension on Tuesday. According to reports, the court turned...

Terra Classic Developers Reopening Key IBC Channels To Boost $LUNC

Edward Kim, the core developer at Terra Rebels, comes up with a new proposal to re-enable the Terra Classic’s Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) channels. The proposal aims to reopen IBCs for Osmosi...

Disputes Emerge Among Terra Classic Developers After LUNC Casino Code Theft Controversy

– Advertisement – Terra Classic Casino Launch Highlights Differences Among Developer Groups. A casino is set to launch on the Terra Classic network, but conflicting claims and accusations ...

Solana’s FTX-backed Liquidity Hub Serum Forked by Developers after Compromise

Several Solana-based DeFi protocols started unplugging from Serum as they weren’t sure who wielded absolute control over it.  Within 24 hours of the crypto exchange FTX declaring bankruptcy last Frida...

These Developers Are Forking Their Coin after FTX Disaster

Join Our Telegram channel to stay up to date on breaking news coverage The Solana ecosystem has been making headlines over the past week amid the troubles facing the FTX exchange. Solana developers re...

Solana Developers Bifurcates Solana Liquidity Hub Serum after Hacking Incident on FTX

Serum, an open liquidity infrastructure known to be the most widely used liquidity hub in the Solana ecosystem, is now said to be forked after the fact that it may have been compromised due to the FTX...

Solana Developers Work to Remove FTX Control Over Serum DEX

Solana developers want to fork liquidity hub Serum after the compromise of FTX led to hackers withdrawing over $400 million from the bankrupt exchange. Given that FTX developed Serum, many developers ...

Developers could have prevented crypto’s 2022 hacks if they took basic security measures

Users losing funds due to malicious activity is hardly unknown on Ethereum. In fact, it is the very reason researchers recently developed a proposal to introduce a type of token that is reversible in ...

Liquidity hub Serum forked by developers after FTX hack

Solana’s developers forked the widely used token liquidity hub Serum, after being compromised by a hack on the bankruptcy exchange FTX on Nov. 11 that led to a series of unauthorized transaction...

Terra Classic Developer Pitches Proposal That Could Effectively Burn $2M in LUNC While Also Creating A Developers Pool

– Advertisement – Alex Forshaw proposes a new plan for $4 million in off-chain assets. Terra Classic developer Alex Forshaw gave updates about the multisig wallet holding about $4 million ...

Top NFT Marketplace Developers In 2022

NFT marketplaces for digital assets are the latest talk of the fintech world. As NFTs are gaining widespread popularity, the market is flooded with NFT Marketplace Developers. To create your own NFT M...

Solana postpones token unlock amid double-dip fears, developers unaffected

Solana (SOL) postponed its staking unlock period for two days while Solana developers were still able to unlock and liquidate their SOL tokens, according to crypto influencer @DrProfitCrypto. Solana, ...

Xternity Raises $4.5M To Help Developers Transition To Web3

Web3 gaming development startup Xternity has secured the financial backing it needs to get its platform off the ground after closing on a $4.5 million round of funding. The investment, which comes alo... Ultra Burn Mechanism Starts Now As Fantom And Avalanche Developers Get Ideas From The Tokenomics

The landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) is constantly evolving. In the coming days, the new social currency, (GLO), is set to quickly become a top-runner in the DeFi space as its initi...

Pre-Production Solana phone Set to Ship to Developers in December

As the launch draws closer, Solana phones (also called Saga) pre-production are now set to be shipped out to developers for testing from December 15th.  Reportedly, the release software that’s going t...

DeFi Developers Have the Attention of Venture Capitalists

DeFi protocols this week have largely kept the momentum going when it comes to taking in fresh venture capital dollars.  Investment platform Exponential — which specializes in decentralized yield oppo...