Big Cross-Metaverse Event: OVER and Decentraland

Over The Reality (OVER) is an Augmented Reality (AR) platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.  OVER’s users can experience interactive augmented reality experiences tailored to the real world with a...

The Metaverse Founders Club Wants To Unlock Cross-Metaverse Interoperability To Provide A Better User Experience

A growing interest in Web3 and metaverse development has created a schism. While there are many virtual experiences for users to explore, they all create gated communities. However, that will all chan...

The Metaverse Founders Club Aims to Unlock Cross-Metaverse Building And Interactivity

Cross-metaverse interoperability is one o the crucial frontiers of Web3 development. Metametaverse and will join forces to achieve this goal through the Metaverse Founders Club. It is a c...

Metametaverse Partners With Anitya To Accelerate Cross-Metaverse Interoperability

Metametaverse, the platform for metaverse creators, announced its Metaverse Founders Club in collaboration with Anitya, a metaverse platform that enables users to build their own virtual worlds. It st...

MetaMetaVerse Drops 5,000 Unique MetaShip NFTs to Facilitate Cross-Metaverse Travel

MetaMetaVerse, the platform aiming to become the first metaverse marketplace, announced the debut of MetaShip NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace on Friday. The collection contains 5,016 distinct NFTs, ea...

MetaMetaverse Drops 5,000 Rare MetaShip NFTs on OpenSea to Facilitate Cross-Metaverse Interoperability –

The MetaMetaverse team has announced its MetaShip non-fungible tokens (NFTs) drop on the OpenSea marketplace. The team says the newly released MetaShip is the world’s first cross-chain upgradable NFT ...

MetaMetaVerse Drops 5,000 Unique MetaShip And NFTs On OpenSea For Cross-Metaverse

The MetaMetaverse team is happy to announce the MetaShip in the OpenSea marketplace. The MetaShips are the world’s first cross-chain upgradable Non-fungible (NFT) tokens and are required to purchase l...