ETHDenver goes beyond cringe to utility, culture and beyond

Ad As ETHDenver draws to a close, builders across Web3 leave with new ideas, developments and utilities led by a unique and multi-hyphenated culture and community interested in everything from wallets...

Uniswap Founder Calls Crypto Naysayers “Cringe”

The founder of Uniswap thinks people rooting for crypto to be shut down are “incredibly cringe.”  Hayden Adams is a computer engineer based in New York who developed the decentralized exchange Uniswap...

People Rooting For Crypto To Be Shut Down Are Cringe

Hayden Adams, the founder of Uniswap, thinks people rooting to have crypto shut down are “incredibly cringe.” Uniswap Founder: Let People Be In a tweet on January 26, Hayden emphasized that no one has...

Bored Apes and the Celebrity Cringe That Helped Tank NFTs

Ask anyone on the street about NFTs in 2023, and you will likely get a grimace. Or some kind of disapproval. With the NFT “brand” so soaked in cringe, who can blame them? If there ever was a single mo...