Meta VR Consultant John Carmack Leaves Company; Criticizes Inefficiencies of VR and Metaverse Projects – Coinotizia

John Carmack, the founder of renowned company ID Software and executive consultant on VR for Meta, has announced he is leaving Meta. Among the reasons for this departure, Carmack signals that there ar...

Meta VR Consultant John Carmack Leaves Company; Criticizes Inefficiencies of VR and Metaverse Projects – Metaverse Bitcoin News

John Carmack, the founder of renowned company ID Software and executive consultant on VR for Meta, has announced he is leaving Meta. Among the reasons for this departure, Carmack signals that there ar...

John Carmack leaves Meta: VR maestro lost. 

John Carmack, the creator of games such as Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D and Commander Keen, resigned as consulting CTO from Meta. John is considered a Virtual Reality virtuoso.  Carmack cited the inter...

Meta loses virtual reality virtuoso John Carmack

John Carmack, a virtual reality trailblazer and co-founder of video game developer id Software, has resigned as consulting chief technology officer at Meta.  “We have a ridiculous amount of peop...