CVI Takes Aim At Bancor’s ‘Flawed’ Impermanent Loss Protection

The Bancor protocol has come under attack from rival DeFi platform Crypto Volatility Index (CVI) following its widely publicized decision to temporarily pause its impermanent loss insurance program du...

Nexus Mutual Enters Bancor’s DAO Ecosystem to Generate Protocol-Owned Liquidity

To gain durable decentralized liquidity, ethereum-based insurance platform Nexus Mutual staked treasury funds worth $2 million in the form of wrapped NXM (wNXM) tokens in decentralized trading protoco...

Why Bancor’s V3 Launch is a Gamechanger to DeFi?

Bancor, the first-ever automated market maker (AMM) liquidity pool, is planning the launch of its third upgrade, bringing a full suite of features and innovations to the decentralized finance (DeFi) s...

How Bancor’s New Upgrade Aims to Solve The Challenge of Impermanent Loss (IL)

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp If you are familiar with the workings of decentralized finance (DeFi), you may have heard about the term ‘Impermanent Loss’ at some point in your jou...