All-out clash between Ripple and SEC

A legal clash has been going on between Ripple and the SEC for some time now, and it is mainly intended to answer the question of whether or not XRP tokens should be considered the same as stocks.  Th...

AI Ethics And The Law Are Dabbling With AI Disgorgement Or All-Out Destruction Of AI As A Remedy For AI Wrongdoing, Possibly Even For Misbehaving Self-Driving Cars

Will we seek to use AI disgorgement or the destroying of AI when some AI wrongdoing is alleged, and … [+] if so, can we pull it off? getty You might say that society seems nearly obsessed with i...

China Gov’t Goes “All-Out” While Q1 Earnings Power Rebound

China Last Night KraneShares Key News Asian equities were off following the US equity market’s downdraft as China, and Hong Kong were the only markets up. The Shanghai Composite gained +2.49%, Shenzhe...