Outthinking Generative AI ChatGPT To Straighten Out Those Vexing AI Hallucinations, Advises AI Ethics And AI Law

When using generative AI such as ChatGPT, here’s tips on how to avoid dealing with those nagging and … [+] vexing AI hallucinations. getty Are you thinking what they are thinking? If so, i...

Emerging Rise Of “AI Localism” Is Getting Bigger, Bolder, And Badder Says AI Ethics And AI Law

AI localism has to do with governing and contending with AI at the local levels, which needs greater … [+] care and attention. getty They say that all politics is local. You’ve undoubtedly heard...

Nations Trading Their AI As Geopolitical Bargaining Chips Raises Angst For AI Ethics And AI Law

Nations are moving toward trading AI, which raises a slew of thorny questions and qualms. getty Share and share alike. There’s plenty to go around for everyone. Some believe that those longstanding pe...