Solving Web3’s Developer Problem: Web2 Remains Hesitant

“We’re so early,” as the crypto meme goes, but when it comes to the experience of working as a Web3 developer, that’s not necessarily a good thing. There are multiple challenges facing blockchain-focu...

Stake2earn Announces Adding Three More Networks for Its Clients –Agoric , Evmos And Nym

stake2earn, a decentralized staking provider, announced that Agoric, Evmos and NYM are being added to their list of supported networks. At the moment, people owning Agoric (BLD token), Evmos ( Evmos t...

Agoric Raises $50M in CoinList Token Sale to Bring JavaScript Developers Into Crypto

“Over time, there will be more phases,” Tribble said. “After the first launch, it will go into a permission phase, where people can propose, say, a core contract for NFTs that’s all written in JavaScr...