ADA Finance Successfully Rebrands to Acta Finance, Announces Entry into The Avalanche Ecosystem

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp ADA Finance, a pioneering innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, will now start operating as Acta Finance on the Avalanche ecosystem. ADA...

Acta Finance Enters Avalanche Ecosystem After Successful Rebranding

DeFi ecosystem, ADA Finance, has rebranded to Acta Finance, launching a new native token $ACTA, as well as developing its own AMM, ActaFi Swap. ADA Finance, a pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) e...

Acta Finance enters Avalanche ecosystem after rebranding from ADA Finance

ADA Finance, pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem which will operate on Avalanche initially, has successfully completed a rebrand, changing its name to Acta Finance (ActaFi). In addition ...

Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Finance

Press Release: DeFi ecosystem, ADA Finance, has rebranded to Acta Finance, launching a new native token $ACTA, as well as developing its own AMM, ActaFi Swap. March 14th, 2022, Mahe Victoria, Seychell...