Acquire.Fi launches the $ACQ token!

Acquire.Fi launched its native token ($ACQ) on the 28th of September 2022. Trading was scheduled to go live on the KuCoin centralized exchange at 15:00 pm UTC, with KuCoin adding support to the ACQ/US...

Web 3.0 M&A Platform Acquire.Fi Launches Despite Markets in Red

Vladislav Sopov Here’s how Acquire.Fi makes M&A sphere in Web3 democratic and inclusive with its cutting-edge practices In the past year, there has been no shortage of bad news in the cryptocurren...

How Acquire.Fi Is Bridging Investing And Web3 To Create Inclusive Wealth Building Tools

The creation of wealth in Web3 is at the forefront of investors’ minds from the moment they first interact with the space. Unfortunately, the creation of sustainable wealth has not been the case so fa...

Acquire.Fi (ACQ) Makes M&A in Crypto More Inclusive Than Ever Before: Review

As more and more real world assets are being brought on-chain, new opportunities are getting unlocked for the next generation of investors. Instant, secure and transparent tokenization mechanisms supe...