Celsius Creditors moves to recoup $439M through EquitiesFirst subpoena

Celsius’ Committee of Unsecured Creditors has filed a motion asking the bankruptcy court to issue a subpoena to EquitiesFirst Holdings (EHF) for failing to repay approximately $439 million owed to Cel...

EquitiesFirst Owes Celsius $439M: Report

Key Takeaways Crypto lending company Celsius is currently owed $439 million by EquitiesFirst, court filings and a new report from the Financial Times indicate. Celsius had originally borrowed funds fr...

Another $439M in Liquidations As BTC Drops Below $40k

Under threat of greater rate hikes from the Federal Reserve, Bitcoin is plunging to a monthly low, alongside stocks. Hundreds of millions of dollars in liquidations have been set off across the crypto...