PeckShield says hackers drained $4.8M from the exchange

PeckShield, a blockchain security company, reported that around $4.8 million worth of cryptocurrencies were transferred from as the exchange announced it would suspend withdrawals. PeckShield s...

Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Losses $4.8M to Hackers

According to recent findings, Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange lost nearly $5 million to hackers earlier this week before the platform suspended withdrawals and deposits due to system ma... Might Have Been Attacked with Hackers Removing $4.8M

The report estimates that a total of $880,235 worth of USDT, $441,357 worth of SAND, $344,376 worth of DAWN, $280,181 worth of MATIC, $258,108 worth of APE, $257,990 worth of OMG among others were tra... Suffers Possible Hack, $4.8M Drained From Hot Wallet

Key Takeaways A possible hack has resulted in almost $5 million being drained from the exchange’s hot wallet. The funds were siphoned in the form of more than 20 cryptocurrencies that were subs...