Sugartown Oras NFT Taking Gaming Experience to the Next Level

Pratik Chadhokar
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The compounding of gaming with technology took the gamer’s experience to the next level. Sugartown, a game by Zynga Web3 Gaming is no different. The game and associated rewards can be accessed using the Sugartown Oras NFT project. 

Let’s delve into the world of Sugartown Oras NFT.               

The Essence of the Lives

Sugartown Oras NFT project was introduced by Zynga Web3 Gaming in June 2023 and is categorized into the gaming category. The NFT project is a collection of 9,999 unique items from another dimension known as Oras. These unique beings entered Sugartown through a rift in the space-time continuum that was designed by farm friends.

Oras are the essence of lives traveling from other worlds through rifts in the Sugartown space just to boom NFT holder’s gaming experience. The cute little Oras made it easy for gamers to access the Sugartown world, games, and exciting rewards. The NFT collection streams over the Ethereum blockchain, a decentralized platform offering high-level security to the digital currency using a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network and application of smart contracts. Sugartown platform has room to run and it’s just a beginning. 

Exploring the Oras collection, the collection of 9,999 unique items holds a wide variety of traits that make each item distinct. Background, clothing, head, eyes, mouth, type, and left hand are some of the major traits. The value of the unique collection can be examined using the price, rarity, and sales.

Sugartown Oras #2507 and Sugartown Oras #4901 are some of the most affordable items on the list, available at the current price of 0.1929 ETH, which is the current floor price of the Sugartown Oras NFT project. On the other hand, Sugartown Oras #1 and Sugartown Oras #327 are the most expensive items in the collection, available at the current price of 200 ETH and 15 ETH, respectively. 

In addition, Sugartown Oras #2274 is the rarest item and Sugartown Oras #6050 is the recently created item in the list. Other items can be explored at NFT platforms such as OpenSea, LooksRare, etc.    

How Well Are the Oras Performing? 

The Sugartown Oras NFT project has been heading over the OpenSea NFT marketplace in the past 24 hours. The project generated a total volume of 4,039 ETH from the day of launching and holds a current floor price of 0.1929 ETH. The market cap of the respective project is 1.27K.

In the past 7 days, the project managed to generate a volume of 176 ETH with around 736 sales, categorized into normal sales without any involvement of whales. The Sugartown Oras NFT community played a crucial part in making the project a success. The community holds 988 members of which 16% are unique owners holding at least a single item from the collection.              


Sugartown Oras NFT project is a collection of 9,999 unique items, boosting the gaming experience of NFT holders. The project was introduced by Zynga Web3 Gaming, allowing users to enter the Sugartown platform, play games, and earn exciting rewards. 
