Zcash Developer ECC Looks to Decentralize Ownership of Zcash Digital Properties and Assets

Zcash Developer ECC Looks to Decentralize Ownership of Zcash Digital Properties and Assets

Key Highlights:

  • Electric Coin Co. (ECC) is making efforts to decentralize ownership and management of Zcash-focused digital properties and assets.
  • The first phase of the decentralization process will see the platform establishing a transition task force. Hence ECC is actively seeking individuals with relevant expertise to join the task force.

Electric Coin Co. (ECC), the project behind Zcash, has announced its call for applications to form a community task force following plans to decentralize the ownership of Zcash-focused digital properties and assets.

The initiative will see ECC’s sole control transition to a model of communal ownership. It will see the platform reimagining the ownership and management of Zcash-focused digital properties and assets while fostering greater decentralization within the Zcash community. Moreso, it promises to enhance community collaboration and diversity of contributors.

According to the announcement, the initiative has evolved following concerns to encourage a more decentralized approach to managing essential Zcash assets, which includes the z.cash website, Zcash technical documentation hub, Zcash Twitter account, and the Cypherpunk Zero site, along with their associated assets.

Prior to the development, ECC has been efficient with the role of maintaining these crucial digital assets. However, the case will no longer remain the same with the support of the broader Zcash community. This will see a remarkable transition towards a model that embraces diverse contributors and provides a representative voice for Zcash enthusiasts worldwide.

ECC Calls for Dedicated Community Task Force Volunteers

As part of its efforts to encourage decentralization within the Zcash ecosystem, the team has unveiled the formation of a dedicated community task force, comprising both ECC representatives and qualified members from the Zcash community. This group of volunteers will play a crucial role in prioritizing projects, developing transition plans, engaging with the community, conducting legal due diligence, and facilitating the seamless transfer of responsibilities.

ECC believes that the selection of task force members will be a critical step in ensuring the success of this initiative. As such, ECC is currently seeking candidates with due expertise, encompassing blockchain technology, digital marketing, web development, content strategy, and community management.

In addition to this, it is also important that these candidates possess adequate understanding of the Zcash ecosystem and privacy-focused blockchains, as it is considered as a strong commitment to the future growth of the Zcash community.

Notably, the timeline of this initiative will span from August to October 2023. Meanwhile, the task force will be tasked with developing evaluation criteria for shared-ownership models, fostering transparent dialogue, selecting suitable ownership models, and defining a comprehensive roadmap for the transition. This remarkable initiative is set to pave the way for a new era of decentralized ownership within the Zcash ecosystem.

While the application process entails a rigorous review and interview process, the ECC’s selection announcement has been slated for the first week of October. Furthermore, applicants for the task force are urged to prepare their minds towards dedicating approximately five hours per week during October and November to the activities.

Per the announcement, the project has declared September 15 as the deadline for applications. The initiative suggests that ECC is keen to establishing a more inclusive, collaborative, and decentralized future for Zcash-focused digital properties.

Source: https://coincodex.com/article/31434/zcash-developer-ecc-looks-to-decentralize-ownership-of-zcash-digital-properties-and-assets/