Zack Snyder Teases Darkseid And A Date And Everyone Loses Their Minds

Zack Snyder knows exactly what he’s doing, and with a single tweet, has generated an amount of hype that will almost certainly be impossible to deliver on.

On Wednesday, Snyder tweeted a teaser video with the hashtag #fullcircle, which said that there would be an “incoming transmission from Lord Darkseid” April 28-30. It’s since been retweeted 27,000 times, liked 67,000 times and viewed 7 million times. And that’s just on Twitter.

Darkseid, of course, is the main antagonist of Snyder’s DCEU Justice League movie, where during his re-released Snyder Cut, he gave the villain a larger role. It was always meant to set up a larger conflict and a series of movies, but even before the recent James Gunn takeover of DC, that plan was axed, and Snyder has been busy making movies for Netflix.

So what…is this? The problem with Snyder making any reference to the DCEU or Justice League at all is that it spins up the minds of his fans into impossibilities. For instance, there has been an ongoing campaign that Netflix should buy the DCEU version of the DC universe from WB, and continue on with their own, separate Snyder-led universe to finish his stories while WB and HBO do all the new James Gunn stuff. Complete with bringing back Henry Cavill as Superman, of course. Totally, totally plausible.

This simply cannot be what this is, and if I was a Snyder fan (and I actually am, in the sense that I like his movies, though not in the sense that I’m obsessed with resurrecting his DCEU), I would probably temper my expectations here.

The most logical explanation I’ve heard for this tease is some sort of Snyder Cut Justice League limited theatrical release. That satisfies a lot of conditions.

  • It’s about Justice League, hence the Darkseid reference.
  • It’s not some wildly implausible idea.
  • It explains why it takes place not at a specific date and time, but over an entire weekend.
  • It even explains “#fullcircle,” as you could view Snyder’s cut of Justice League arriving in theaters as the place it was always meant to be, rather than a cynical ploy to attract HBO Max subscribers, which is why it was greenlit in the first place.

Expecting anything more than that, like some giant announcement about Snyder returning to DC to finish his Justice League trilogy or continue it on Netflix, is not going to pan out. If I’m wrong, I guess Snyder fans can dine out endlessly from here, but I really would try to be logical and reasonable about what has the potential to happen that weekend.

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