Big, big changes have finally hit the Netflix Top 10 list this week, and it’s something that marks what I would consider a somewhat interesting trend. You season 4 part 1 has finally been dethroned from the #1 spot after nearly two weeks there. It’s been knocked down to #3, though will no doubt rocket back up when part 2 arrives on March 9.
What’s notable are the two shows that replaced it, both reality series, both ones that do not air all their episodes at once. Physical 100 has been hanging out in the top 10 list for a while now, the Korean musclebound competition series attracting a very solid audience. I’ve heard the show is pretty great, I just haven’t had the time to watch it yet, and it’s the finale crowning the winner that has propelled it to #2 here.
Currently at #1 is Perfect Match, Netflix’s Bachelor in Paradise-type show where they’ve taken dozens of contestants from other reality show and thrown them together to hook up. Clearly it’s working, as the series is now on top despite two more episodes yet to air. Netflix reality dating series have not done nearly this well for a very long time, so something is working here above and beyond the usual. Expect uh, five more seasons greenlit after this, no doubt.
Elsewhere, Netflix’s attempt to do a Drive to Survive with golf, Full Swing, is #4, but may not rise above that. I am noticing that Outer Banks has risen to #5 despite the new season not debuting until tomorrow. The fact that this many people are watching the old seasons now imply to me that season 3 is going to be pretty massive, probably above and beyond what we’ve seen from the last two, and Netflix is so confident in the series it’s already greenlit season 4, which as you know, never happens with Netflix.
Horror show Red Rose is hanging out in the bottom of the Top 10 after its debut. I just watched all of that, and will have more thoughts later today. This kind of performance indicates that it’s probably not going to get a second season. It ends on perhaps less of a cliffhanger than some other series, and yet it’s a show that very much would like a second season, that’s clear. I doubt it will get one, at this rate.
So, I would expect Outer Banks to rocket to #1 tomorrow and stay there for I’m going to say, 2-3 weeks. Maybe not quite Ginny and Georgia levels, but it’s going to do very well, especially with fans knowing another season is guaranteed to arrive. Then it can do battle with You season 4 part 2, and we’ll see which one emerges victorious there in early March.
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