XANA joins forces with China’s leading art school

XANA teamed forces with Meishun Yuanjie Co, which is China’s premier art school. The goal and idea of this occurrence was to create the Experimental Base for the Metaverse Application Scene. In turn, it will play a crucial role in efficiently tying together elements linked to content development, technological advancements, scene operation, and, last but not least, in the execution of experiments involving the metaverse. 

Additionally, it will open the way for the investigation of metaverse-related solutions for issues pertaining to “Technology and Digital Creation. This will fall under the umbrella of cultural tourism, exhibition and performance, training and educational components, innovation and entrepreneurship, and many other similar and related activities.

For people not in the know-how, Meishun Yuanjie Co. happens to be an industrial-based platform belonging to CAFA Asset Management Co. This happens to come under the jurisdiction and the policies closely related to aspects concerning the digital economy’s development and cultural digitalization plans and processes, together with the incorporation and the overall upgrade of virtual reality and industry-based applications in China. 

In this very situation, it will be XANA who will be effectively utilizing the opportunities provided by CAFAIC in the realms of academic exchange globally, industrial-oriented creations and innovations, and scoring ways of adequately boosting the applications of metaverse.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/xana-joins-forces-with-chinas-leading-art-school/