Here’s today’s Wordle #441 solution and some helpful hints.
It’s Saturday at last. We can all kick back and enjoy the first weekend of September.
We’re in a new month and the final third of 2022. The name September derives from the word ‘septimus’ which means ‘seventh’ and designates the seventh month of the year. You might be wondering why that is when September is the ninth month of the year—but it wasn’t always so.
There used to only be ten months in the calendar, until Roman ruler Numa Pompilius added January and February to the end of the calendar. Before their addition, the months were Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. Quintilis was changed to July in honor of Julius Caesar, and Sextilis was renamed August after Augustus Caesar, who chose the name himself.
The ten month calendar was only 304 days and was changed to 355 days with the additional two months. A ‘leap month’ of sorts was then added between February and Martius called Mercedinus that would add make-up days to the calendar every other year, similar to how February 29th adds a single day every four year now.
Calendars are pretty interesting when you think about it. It’s remarkable how accurate the thinkers of antiquity were when it came to the number of days in a year, given they had such little understanding astronomy compared to scientists now, let alone the same type of technology.
And with that in mind, let’s do this Wordle!
Today’s Wordle #441 Answer, Hint & Clue
Spoilers downstream so do your best to turn back now if you can, or proceed with caution and grit.
The Hint: Ravine.
The Clue: There’s a double-letter in this word.
The Answer:
Whew, this was a close one!
Whew, that was close!
It’s official, my guess today was the biggest disaster of any opening word I’ve used since Wordle Bot came around and I was able to analyze these things. A truly whopping 793 possibilities were left (out of 2,309) which is just about as unlucky as anyone can be.
From here, things only got mildly better. Audit, which I think is a terrific guess in this context since it took care of all three remaining vowels, got me the ‘U’ in green but left me with a sizable chunk of remaining options at 75.
Lucky was, perhaps ironically, a luckier guess narrowing the field to just 5 and snagging me a green ‘Y’ in box 5 and a yellow ‘L’ in box one.
Sully was a on the mark, getting me all four boxes after the first in green, and reminding me of what a great character Sully is in the Uncharted games. But now I was left with a true conundrum.
I could think of at least three more possible remaining options but I only had two guesses remaining. Bully, fully and gully were all possible answers but there was no way to guess all three, and I didn’t want to leave it up to the luck of the draw. I had to eliminate at least two letters before I made my final guess. I guessed gulfs because it took care of the ‘G’ and the ‘F’ and if neither of those was correct I could safely guess bully.
Basically, I knew I’d get to the right answer one way or another by guessing something that couldn’t possibly be the solution. I got the ‘G’ in green and safely guessed gully on my next turn. For the win! Huzzah!