How to solve today’s Wordle #474 for Thursday, October 6th.
I had this very clever intro for today’s Wordle guide and it completely slipped my mind. This is the problem with having a brain like mine.
I sort of blaze through each day without every really stopping (except for naps) but I often feel like I accomplish very little. I ping-pong from one task to the next and find myself endlessly distracted.
For instance, I’ll get on my phone to look something up but another thought will insert itself before I can get there and then I’m down a rabbit hole, my previous query lost to the sands of time.
If this sounds a bit like some kind of attention deficit disorder . . . well, uh, wait what were we talking about again?
Oh, sorry, right: ADHD. I am pretty certain I’m afflicted with it, but who can say? I can never remember to set up an appointment to get diagnosed!
At least I have Wordle to keep me on the straight and narrow! Speaking of which . . . .
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoiler Warning!)
The Clue: Both an adorable critter and a deadly transgression.
The Hint: Tis but a single vowel in this Wordle.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I recently went to a Shins concert with my brother and one of their most famous songs is New Slang, which was propelled into pop culture fame in the movie Garden State. Ironically (or, perhaps, just unfortunately) at this Shins concert they played it with the enthusiasm of an overly ripe avocado, sliced in half and left to oxidize on the counter for a week. Or, perhaps, with the energy of a sloth.
The rest of their set was great, don’t get me wrong, but they played this one particular song so slow. “New slang when you notice the stripes / The dirt in your fries / Hope it’s right when you die, old and bony…”
So I guess it’s serendipitous, in a way, that I opened this Wordle with slang as my first guess and that sloth was my third. The word is used both to describe the adorable animals that hang from trees and move very slowly, and to laziness or moving slow. The Shins’ performance of “New Slang” was sloth-like. But at least the rest of their show was good, and I don’t think I can pin another of the seven deadly sins on them this time, no matter how hard I scour my brain.
Be well, oh thou Wordlers! Live long and prosper!