How to solve today’s Wordle.
Wednesday is for words and Wordles, wetlands and water-towers. Whimsical winter wonderlands. Whiskey and watermelons. Wakanda. Wisteria. Wavering willows and wandering whales. Weddings. Whiteboards. Wichita.
Will o’ the wisps.
Wednesday, in other words, is for all things ‘W’ when you’re an alliteration-obsessed writer.
But we’ll skip the watermelons and whiskey for now and stick, as we so often do, to the Wordle—the New York Times puzzle game originally created by Josh Wardle and sold to the paper of record earlier this year for oodles of cash.
Today’s is a bit tricky, though nothing too out of the norm.
Today’s Wordle #445 Answer, Hint & Clue
The Warning: It’s a spoiler warning! Yeah baby!
The Hint: Akin to wary.
The Clue: There’s a double vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I screwed up a little with this one, but not too terribly. Even my mistake did an okay job of narrowing down the possibilities.
Drain was a pretty good starting guess—or so I thought. It normally is according to World Bot but this time I had 328 remaining possible solutions. Not ideal.
My screw-up came with count (as in Dracula!) because I already guessed the ‘N’ and eliminated it from the running. The frustrating thing is this wasn’t even the first word I came up with that had a letter in it I’d already crossed out. Somehow even though I’d gone through a number of other words this was slipped past. But I eliminated all the vowels except for ‘E’ which worked out well.
Rebel was a bit of luck but I was pretty sure that with just one vowel, I’d probably have a double E in there and I was right. I thought of leery almost instantly somehow and sure enough, I was right. I often have to really think about a guess like this but it just came to me, like an epiphany. Go figure.
Have a lovely middle-of-the-week, young padawans. Be excellent to each other!